
Idus is a complete maintenance system for your entire enterprise. All necessary functions like fault reports, work orders, registrations, stoppage monitoring, round lists, logbooks, activity lists, Gantt-plans and Gantt-charts etc. are available in the system.

Statistics & Reports

The system has a great variety of reports, about 80. Example of available statistics are occurring faults, fault rates, lead times, material costs, internal and external costs and so forth. You can create your own reports with the tool that comes with the system.

Document management

Idus contains a complete document depository. All types of documents can be placed in the depository from which the system can be linked to objects, plans or work orders.

Image navigation

A large portion of the user friendliness lays in the image navigation. From here you can click your way down in the in plant, click on an object in order to create activities, see technical data, warranties, electrical charts, relevant spare parts and much more.

Storage management

The storage management contains necessary functions for managing a maintenance store like several stores, stock tacking, in deliveries, withdrawals, returns, suppliers, stock levels, balances and so forth. A very practical function is that Idus will remind you when articles have reached their order point.

Financial monitoring

Idus has unlimited possibilities for financial management from business accounts, cost centers, cost carriers etc. for plans, storage, purchasing, cost monitoring and so forth.

Integration possibilities

Idus can be integrated with all types of systems. Below you will find the most common types of systems and integrations.


Idus can be integrated with your financial system/ERP in order to transfer costs like maintenance costs, storage transactions, stock values, worked hours etc.


Idus can collect signals from an OPC/PLC and interpret these signals like a basis for condition based maintenance. Example of these signals can be operational hours, on/off-switches, voltage etc.


You can integrate Idus with your SCADA-system for transferring values that can trigger fault reports or work orders. You can obtain a common interface when right clicking in your SCADA you will see the commands of Idus.

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